
Rhema Insight

Word Exposition

When Blessings becomes curse

Two Things You Must Know

Two things that destroy a man 1. Living a fake life 2. Lack of focus

Lost but Found

Most times we tend to focus so much on what we do not have, when in actual fact, what is lost here is actually found there.


Since getting on each others nerve is constant, stepping on each others' toes is inevitable, then how best do we get along when reconciliation really comes calling?

What vs How

We waste time when we beat on a closed door with the intentions to open it. That implies that we often dwell so much on life's inadequacies and waste so much time on the WHAT rather than on the HOW.


Someone shared this article with me and after reading, I thought it will be nice to share also *MATURITY* *-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-* 1.... *Maturity* is when you accept other people the way they are and their level of maturity. *+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+* 2.... *Maturity*... Continue Reading →

Ignore those pebbles

placing pearls side by side with pebbles will surely prevent the formal from shining forth.

Invincible Art

People combine intelligence with charismatic use of the hands to create an amazing master pieces that have kept the world in awe.

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